Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Six Things That Make Me Happy

It seems that I have been tagged to list six things that makes me happy. Thanks Ondrea for making me feel a part of the adoptive blogging network:))

Ron and I are thrilled at the thought of the safe arrival of our first grandchild. I know that is a very obvious thing that would make us happy, but its all so new and exciting at the moment.

Tonight I had driven to Auburn for a celebratory dinner with Ashley marking the safe arrival of Wyatt. We decided to get a pedicure before dinner. They were just filling the tub with water when her cell phone rang. Soon to be Dr. Ashley Warren, DVM was being paged back to the clinic to handle an emergency. It made me happy to see her reaction and response to her chosen profession.

Since Ron is rotating to India at the moment I get really excited and happy when the computer rings with a call from SKYPE. Email, Instant Messaging, Skype, Web Cameras are all so cool! Thanks goodness for modern technology!

It makes me happy to travel and I enjoy seeing things I could only read about as child growing up in rural Alabama. Never in my wildest dreams as a child did I imagine we would spend over 14 years living overseas! Traveling in Alabama in the 60's indicated a trip to Flordia or maybe the Smokey Mountains:)

I love getting Christmas cards especially when they have photos in them! Also, Ron and I have several adoptive blogs we like to keep up with and it just blesses our hearts to watch these children blossom in their new families!

Ron and I are happy as two peas in a pod after 33 years of marriage! He makes me smile when he calles me "dollie friend!"

I will beg off on tagging others as many seem to already been tagged


Carey and Norman said...

Love your post. I like that Ron calls you Dollie friend. Too sweet!

Tamara said...

I loved reading your list. I'm looking forward to reading more posts and hope you got our Christmas card. It only took 1700 takes to get those three shots. LOL. Good thing we didn't try to add Blake our Boxer to the photos. We'd still be there right now trying to get a money shot! Happy New Year!