Please pray for my soulmate of 33 years as he leaves today for his first rotation to India. Prayers for travel safety and protection from the top three risks in India of malaria, dengue fever, and snake bites will be really apprecitated. Would you believe that 50,000 people died in India last year from snake bites?
I will remain safely in Alabama with two fierce guard dogs for protection. They look friendly, but once my nephew decided against entering the yard alone with them.
By the time Ron returns from this hitch we will most likely be grandparents. How cool is that?!?
I would have never thought snakes were a problem in India. What about spiders?
Safe travels and many prayers for your stay in India (and your time alone in Alabama). Looking forward to hearing more about your grandchild.
I'm so behind on my blogs! Hope Ron had a safe flight over and is enjoying his time in India. Our prayers are with him and your family. Hugs
The Mosquitoes will shock him! The plane fills up with them and they go through the cabin with insecticide a few times until they are mostly gone. It was the worst part of the trip to me as I knew whateve the other passengers had, I was getting to as they swarmed me. I hope he wore insect repellent on the plane. When he comes home let him know. Where is the baby? I logged on to the computer just to get an update, Granny!
Hi Dinia,
I have gone to India many, many times (mostly Mumbai) and I love it there! It is a great country if you give it a chance. If he is in Mumbai I can give you the skinny on where to eat and go. Post over on my wife's blog(Have you seen my other shoe) if you want more info.
Ian Robson
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