Thursday, August 27, 2009

Really Sad Post!

This has been a real heart breaking week while visiting the Queen! It's almost like a knife goes through my heart when she asks me about her brothers, sisters, mama and daddy. The Queen is the oldest of a large family and has one sister that is still living. Yesterday she wanted to know if her mama had been to see her, and when I asked her if she was dreaming about her mama she said that when she gets better she will go see Mama. Talk about heart wrenching! This week she has also told us her house burned down, and talked about rooting plants in a branch of water. She was even able to tell us that the rootings were azaleas.

My dad passed away seven years ago this coming November and we were talking tonight about how active he was until the last week. Mother has been dealing with this since January 18 and it has been a really sad thing to witness. Tonight I was looking at some pictures from this past Thanksgiving and I was shocked at the decline in Mother. Don't get me wrong I know that we have been blessed to have our Mother for 97years, but this is just really hard!


This post came with a warning that is was sad, and for the life of me I don't know why I find comfort in blogging about all this. Just think, I am writing a sad post before Ron goes back to work so there is no telling what I might write next week. I do know why I blog about this...there are prayer warriors out there that will read this and say a little prayer for our family as we move towards uncertain days with Mother just as Ron and I have prayed as we read other blogs.

Life is a truly like a box of chocolates and sometimes it is just hard!


Rob said...

You're in our thoughts, Dinia, hang in there!

Over-Caffeinated said...

My dear Dinia,

You are such a special person and such a true daughter. It's hard to see a loved one fade, particularly a mother. I watched my mom grieve my granma this year after 99 years of good long livin'. It doesn't matter how long you get to keep them, it's still hard to give them up. And it's an entire generation of your family that has vanished when they are all gone. So there is nothing about it that isn't sad. Sorry, this isn't very cheerful is it? I'm just saying that you have such a precious heart and of course we will be praying for your peace and your mother's comfort.