Monday, May 25, 2009

Where has the month of May gone?

I can hardly believe the month of May is almost finished. We had a blast in early May with a visit from the Mixon's and Bridges family. Melissa did a great job in capturing some of the highlights of the weekend of Ashley's graduation celebration, Andy, Kasey and Wyatt's visit, plus a family reunion held at Ron's mom. Ashley graduated on May 5 and we held a dinner afterwards at a local restaurant to mark the occasion. Where have the years gone?!?

After graduation finished Ron and I were off to a Drilling Conference in San Diego. I laughed as Ron was "networking" to retire while most of the other attendees were looking for their next assignment at the conference. We loved San Diego and took an extra day to enjoy the area.

I returned to Alabama, and Ron headed back to India for his fourth hitch. It has been busy as we moved Ashley from Auburn to Tennessee for her first job. Many thanks for all the help from family to get her settled.

I will close for now with a few pictures of Wyatt's visit to Alabama.
Andy and Granny showing Wyatt the blueberry bushes

Wyatt getting to know his cousin Kate

An Irresistable Grin!

Checking out the roses

and the neighbor's horses.

hmmm.....did I really just say Wyatt's visit to Alabama. What I meant to say was Andy, Kasey and Wyatt's visit. I'm a proud new granny, grandma, mimi, nana, baba,!?!! I do wonder what Wyatt will end of calling us. I am sure we will answer to anything:)

On a sadder note the Queen has turned another corner in her journey of life. At this point I am not sure where it will take us, but I am confident that God is in control and has a plan. She has lost down to 98 pounds and just does not want to eat anything. Please keep her and the family in your prayers as we take things one day at a time.


Carey and Norman said...

Sweet pictures. I'm so glad you were able to meet with the Mixon's and Bridges. We love them too.

Becky and Keith said...

Such a sweet little face!! :-) Sorry to hear the Queen isn't doing well. We'll continue to keep her in our thoughts and prayers! We had a great time visiting you and hope to do so again sometime this summer!