Sunday, May 31, 2009


I think I have already confessed that I had never blogged until I met Rob and Dede while they were traveling to Moscow to adopt. That chance meeting allowed Ron the opportunity to spend some time with Karyn and Norm who introduced us to Becky and Keith, Dana and Aaron, Lea and John. Later we both met Michelle and Ian and the rest is blogger history. Blogging gave us the opportunity to meet 17 adoptive couples from Jan to August of 2008, and our lives were changed forever as we shared Moscow and a small part of their adoptive journey.

When we left Moscow I thought I would stop blogging as not much exciting happens here in Alabama:) I think I discoved today the reason I have continued to blog. Like us many others I have been reading little Stellan's story on My Charming Kids, and today I was blown away by the wonderful idea McMamma had. Their family supports Sufficient Grace ministy and McMamma came up with the idea of donating $1 for every comment left in one day on her blog to this cause. My interest was peaked so I surfed on over to their website and decided this was something to get behind and support. If I was computer talented I would link this blog to the site, but I am too excited about this idea to take the time to fiqure it out. So I cut and copied a description of what Sufficient Grace does.

Sufficient Grace Ministries for Women, a 501 (c ) 3 non-profit, non-denominational Christian organization, was founded in 2004 by Kelly Gerken with the purpose of reaching out to women and families to offer comfort, encouragement and hope. The Dreams of You division of this ministry was created specifically to provide comfort to women and families who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. Kelly has experienced the loss of twin daughters (Faith and Grace) at 26 weeks and the loss of an infant son, Thomas…who died shortly after birth from Potter's Syndrome. From her own family's journey of grief and healing, Kelly has created the Dreams of You Memory Book and other beautiful support materials to help families form a precious memory for their babies who leave this earth too soon. Her mother, Kathy Rutter, created the Comfort Bear in 2004 for grieving mothers to have something to hold to comfort the ache of their empty arms. (Although Kathy went home to heaven in October 2006, the bears are still made with a grandmother's love and prayers by the Helping Hands Ministry at Harvest Fellowship Church.) Over the years, Kelly has shared her testimony of God's comfort and sufficient grace and her gift of song with churches and women's groups. She has also given hospital seminars encouraging caregivers on the importance of creating a tangible memory and understanding the grieving parent's perspective. The Dreams of You Memory Book and Baskets are currently available at 5 local hospitals: Lima Memorial, St. Luke's, St. Charles, Henry County, and Defiance Regional Medical Center as well as Rodenberger Funeral Home. Many individuals have come to us as well through our website and word of mouth. Bereaved parents are never asked to pay for our materials. We are supported through donations from individuals, hospitals and other organizations. Sufficient Grace Ministries also provides a quarterly newsletter, The Women's Edge, which encourages more than three hundred women in eight states, through biblical truth. Our memory book is now featured in a national catalog (A Place to Remember). We are also working on expanding and completing more projects to serve grieving families.

So in honor of our grandson Wyatt we will be making a donation to this ministry plus a donation of $5 per comment left on this blogpost in a 24 hour time period.

I leave you with a picture of our grandson napping with his Poppa.


Meghan, Bill and Nick said...

What a wonderful idea for a worthwhile cause. And, such a sweet picture! You guys are awesome.

Mark and Sinziana said...

You guys are such a wonderful couple! It was our big pleasure to get to meet you in Moscow and now get to know more about your family (my grandma is also in her 90's like the Queen) and grandson!

Heather & Jason said...

Great idea! I love it, and so glad you continue to blog- it can be a good way to keep in touch with people across the miles. WE so much appreciated your help with in Moscow and showing us the ropes. Great memories for sure. Its hard to belive its almost been a year already! Blessings to you both, Heather

Let'sMakeADifference said...

Just 'found your blog'! What a great idea! I could write pages about how comforting it was to receive a package containing a tiny hat and blanket 14 years after my stillborn son's delivery. Whan I delivered him 19 years ago, nothing was done or said to women who had stillborn children in my city! Then about 6 years ago a grandma started making the hats and blankets. When I heard about it, I asked her for one! It filled a need that had never been filled in 14 years. One person can make a HUGE difference in the world! 1

Over Caffeinated Mama said...


Good idea... hope I made thee 24 hours.

I got your e-mail but life has been so crazy. Tell Ashley I'm glad to know of a bleeding heart for pets where I can bring all my strays for vet care! :) The little kitten we rescued is working so hard to win Brian over.

We'll chat soon. Let me know if you guys end up here during Ron's next hitch. Although I will say that baby visits are much better! :) You definitely can't turn down that invitation.

Tiger & Kar said...

Oh no!!! I think I missed the 24hr deadline but I LOVE your idea!

And by the way - - I don't know if you & Ron realize how you truly blessed the lives of so many adoptive parents. I cannot imagine our 3 week stay in Moscow without Ron looking out for us. I can't wait to finally meet you!

Take care & God bless your entire family!


Michelle R said...

Seriously! Does it get any better than nap time?? What a blessing: those men of yours!! Time has flown and both count down clocks (the baby and the graduation) are long gone... it flew by!

Dede said...

Well I waaaaay missed the deadline on this comment but what a wonderful message to get out to the world. I'm sooo happy that we sat next to you on the plane and had a small part in starting the cycle of all the adoptive families lives that you and Ron have touched. I feel sure our paths will cross again one day. Until then keep blogging and doing your thing!